Sarah Handley — Aug 26, 2019

Kia Ora All. It’s hard to believe that we are already half way through the term! Term 3 has continued to bring new learning opportunities and challenges to our Year 9 cohort, most recently with their ‘Starsopoly’ day.

This was run by the Graeme Dingle Foundation and involved each Year 9 class spending an hour getting to know and talk with people from a variety of organisations that work in our community. It was great to see students developing their communication skills in such a meaningful context.

An option class that seems to be winning over it’s students is the Year 9 Business Studies class with Mr Stokes. This term they have been creating their own class currency to show their understanding of how money is developed, and used in business. The art work and effort students have put into this task is great to see. They were also recently challenged to construct a marshmallow support structure using spaghetti which proved to be as difficult as it sounds!

During Hui each week we celebrate those who are earning CARR cards and postcards as well as monitoring students’ lateness to form times. We have been reminding students that form time is important at Hornby High School because it is when you get to touch base with your teacher, sort out any issues you need to for the day, source equipment and hear the notices. Another current focus during Hui is promoting ‘active whole body listening’. This means that students listen not only by hearing but by looking at the speaker, not fidgeting and not playing with their equipment. I hope to see our Year 9’s picking up these skills and utilizing them in their learning.

Finally, I would like to congratulate the Junior Girls’ Basketball team who have won the Girls’ Intermediate Division 3, Section 1 competition. Well done for the time, effort and team work you all demonstrated over the past two terms. I look forward to seeing you continue to develop your skills as you move up through the school.