Hero photograph
Photo by Kelly McNicholl

Tīeke Senior Dean's Report

Aaron Heath —

Kia ora all Tīeke Students and Whānau,

For those of you I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting yet, my name is Aaron Heath.  I replaced Mr. Richardson as the Senior Dean for Tīeke from the start of Term 2. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know all of the students in this kāhui and am excited to settle more into this role as the year goes on.

As a new Dean I am trying to focus on improving 2 main points this term:


This is a big one but I have already seen a huge improvement since the start of the term and with students wanting to avoid lunchtime detentions, I’m hoping it will continue to improve. This is especially true for the senior students as they get more assessments with closer deadlines, it is extremely important to be present in class to avoid missing vital information or falling behind. A reminder that if your child is going to be late, has an appointment or is away for the day, please contact student reception at attendance@hornby.school.nz

Kāhui Pride:

Coming from a sport oriented childhood means that I have a competitive nature. As such, I want to get all the students in Tīeke to invest in and be proud of their kāhui. I’d like to see everyone participating in all house competitions so we can ensure we earn as many points as possible and hopefully win the kāhui trophy at the end of the year! I’m also hoping that this sense of pride will help students feel a sense of belonging not only in Tīeke, but at Hornby High School in general.

Term 2 will start to become more busy with an increase in assessments, school trips, events at lunchtime and the start up of winter sport. The main event this term will be the Year 10 camp in week 8. This is a brilliant opportunity for Year 10 students to experience the outdoors and learn some skills to help them outside of the classroom. If you have any questions regarding camp, please feel free to email me at hh@hornby.school.nz

I am very excited to continue the great work Mr. Richardson has done with the Tīeke kāhui and continue to get to know all the students and whānau in this kāhui.

Ngā mihi,