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Andrea Wall —

How’s your food and sleep? Sounds simple but, some healthy nourishment and a good night’s sleep will always make you feel better

  • Take a deep breath, breathe it out and repeat. This simple exercise that you can do anywhere, anytime, reduces the cortisol in your body and helps replace it with the happy hormones (especially good right before an exam!)
  • What’s your favourite place in the world? The beach, your friend’s back yard pool? Close your eyes for five minutes and take yourself there and imagine all the sights and sounds that make it the best place to be. Feel better?!
  • Be prepared. Obvious right? But, we often spend time worrying instead of preparing. No matter the situation, an exam, an assessment, an interview, a new job, block out some time to prepare and you’ll instantly stop worrying because you’ve filled your brain with knowledge
  • Hang out with your family, no seriously! Get together at dinner, talk about the day, have some banter and remind yourself that these guys have your back
  • Get into your flow. Whether you’re the sporty, arty, crafty or musical type. What’s that thing that takes you somewhere else? The mental distraction and physical distraction helps clear your mind and promotes a better night’s sleep
  • If you’re struggling with something please talk to a trusted adult, whether that’s a parent, counsellor, teacher, family member or friend. Even if you think it’s not their area of expertise they’ll know how to help

One of the best ways for adults to help children navigate through change is to be present and available. By using simple techniques that can be implemented anywhere and at any time, teachers can help to set up life-long coping mechanisms in children that can help them through stressful situations and retain a healthy outlook on life.