Hero photograph
Photo by Kelly McNicholl

Hornby High School Sport Tournament Fundraising

Aaron Heath —

At the end of August, the Hornby High School football and basketball teams will be going to their respective regional tournaments.

Coincidently they are both in Nelson just a couple of days apart. The basketball team has been to tournaments before and they have had great success in the past but this will be the first tournament the football team has been in for many years.

Both teams have been working incredibly hard to prepare themselves for the tough competition ahead and that is culminating in a very high standard of play currently being on show in their respective weekly competitions. Both teams have also been working hard to fundraise money for these trips and the recent quiz night was the major joint event to raise as much funds as possible.

We had amazing support from staff, whānau and the community who all came to Robbie's Riccarton to support the boys. A special mention to Robbie’s Riccarton for hosting an amazing quiz night and also to the Greater Hornby Residents Association for their generous contribution to the night and ongoing support.

Even though our Senior Leadership Team claimed a second consecutive victory on the night, everyone had a brilliant time and both sports teams are incredibly appreciative of the efforts of everyone involved. Hopefully we will be able to report back to you all with more positive news after our tournaments later on this year.

Ngā mihi,

Aaron Heath

Hornby High School Football coach