Sarah Handley — Sep 15, 2020

This has certainly been a hectic year for our senior students with many of the 'outside of the classroom' trips being cancelled. For senior classics, this included the disappointing loss of the annual University of Canterbury classics day. However, we were lucky enough to secure a visit to the Teece Museum which holds the largest collection of classic artifacts in the southern hemisphere.

As we had been studying Alexander the Great, a replica bust of the Macedonian King, and a few ancient coins dating from around 300BC, depicting the reign of Alexander were brought out for us to examine. In addition to these treasures, students were able to visit the exhibit centered on food and dining practices from the ancient world. A highlight was certainly reclining on the banquet chairs imagining ourselves to be guests at a Greek symposium.

A huge thanks goes out to Vicky from the 24/7 youth workers for accompanying us, and to the staff of the Teece Museum for their awesome presentation.