Hero photograph
Photo by Andrea Wall

Writers in Schools Workshop

Sarah Richardson —

On Monday 29 October, a group of twenty students from Years 7-11 attended a workshop with New Zealand author Bill Nagelkerke.

This was an awesome opportunity for our young and talented writers to learn how to craft characters in their creative writing. Students looked at the difference between an archetype character (an original) and a stereotype character (what is expected) and how changing their key attributes can change a story. 

They had a go at identifying their own key attributes and then imagining themselves in a situation that would stress those attributes, such as an impatient person waiting in a long bank queue. 

Finally Bill took our learners through some plot patterns that could be used to turn our characters into stories. The romantic plot is where two characters come together and overcome obstacles, the intruder plot is where a stranger is introduced to an established social group like a family, and finally the adventure plot where two or more characters meet and overcome obstacles to reach their goals. 

Our students thoroughly enjoyed this opportunity and are grateful to Bill for his wonderful work with them.