Hero photograph
Photo by Andrea Wall

Year 13 Deans Report

Honor Petrie —

Kia ora, Talofa lava. Welcome back all Year 13 and whānau. I hope that you all enjoyed your summer and you are looking forward to what the year ahead brings. 

It's amazing how quickly our students, your children, are growing into adults! Just 4 years ago in year 9, students were learning about who they are and what makes them, them. Self-identity was the focus. As year 10 students they were building on this concept and looking at Courage. The courage to: get involved; take up leadership opportunities; make good decisions; take pride in their appearance; achieve and be proud. In 2016 these students began their first year of NCEA. We took a look at what it meant to have purpose. Last year we looked at NCEA performance and the focus was on the importance of reflection as a step to moving forward. This year,  we look at the term Transition and what that means to them as young adults moving into the workforce or further study.

The term ‘Transition’ is also important to us as staff. As you move around the school you will see that our new buildings are taking shape. End of term 2, early term 3 we (Staff and Students) will be moving into the new learning spaces. This transition period is a huge moment for Hornby High School and the community.


  • Welcome back Mrs Climo - Mrs Climo has returned to Hornby High School as our Careers Advisor. She will work closely with your young adults in their next steps.

  • Athletics day,  Friday the 2nd of March. A new program has been scheduled. Students will be in a competitive or non-competitive grade. Year 13 students that are not competitive have been provided with the opportunity to support Mr Hilliard and the PE Department with taking scores.

  • Study periods - Students are expected to use this time wisely. Students should be turning up to Deans' assemblies and to Form classes. If students have a free period, period 1 then they can use the timetabled spaces. If students have a study period last period then they are welcome to go home.

  • Mentoring - for students that are not busy in their study periods and are interested in sitting in with younger students to help them learn then they are to see Jude Howie (Whanau Support) for a junior student's timetable. This mentoring will be recognised and students will be provided with references for their C.V.

I hope you are well, if you wish to contact me you are open to ring the school or send an email: pr@hornby.school.nz

Honor Petrie