Andrea Cosgrove — Aug 12, 2020

Kia ora te whānau ... At alert Level 2: some reminders and assurances:

* whānau members, we'd prefer that you only come onto the school campus if you absolutely have to
* If you do, please make sure you scan the QR code for the contact tracing app
* The daily anti viral cleaning of surfaces has not been stopped since we have been at Level 1, and is still set to continue
* Staff are also supplied with spray bottles of cleaner with which to clean down surfaces as necessary through the day
* we have ample supplies of hand sanitiser, and also acknowledge that soap and water is still THE BEST method of hand cleansing, washing for 20 seconds
* if your child is at all unwell, please keep her/him at home
* please reinforce the cough/sneeze etiquette, cough/sneeze into your elbow

As a community, 'we've got this'... we will all have those natural anxieties that mean we can be a little more 'testy' than normal. If we remember to stay kind, we'll be fine.

Kia tau te mauri
R Sutton