by Kelly McNicholl

Football Tournament

Aaron HeathAugust 31, 2023

This week the Hornby High School Football Team went to Nelson to participate in the Jim Wishart tornament. I am so proud of this team who gave 110% to every game and always kept the Hornby pride and positive attitude, even when we were getting smashed.

There's no other way of saying we finished 18th out of 18. Losing the final game on penalties to miss out on 17th.  A couple of points worth mentioning: We were definitely the youngest and smallest team at this tournament, most teams were composed of solely Year 13's, we had 4 Year 13's out of our squad of 16- exciting times ahead for us though.When we had some free time we would go and watch other teams play. We were so loud and supportive of other teams that by the end we had multiple teams coming to watch and cheer our team on. It was awesome having the Hornby basketball team come along and support us and likewise us watching them- wish we could have been there for more of their tournament.We battled through multiple injuries and a cold hitting half the team to always finish smiling. Please congratulate them if you see them, they truly deserve it.

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