Hero photograph
Photo by Kelly McNicholl

Year 9 Social Science

Jan Handley —

This term our Year 9 students have been looking at plastic in the ocean and how it affects animals, fish, birds, climate change and humans.

They have discovered a lot of interesting facts including how many birds are found with plastic items in their stomach at the end of their lives. Around this topic they were asked to produce an infographic as part of a Year 9 competition. Every class was awarded a prize for the best in class. This was based not only around a good infographic poster but also how they worked together. There was also an overall award for 1st and 2nd across the whole year level. The criteria was a good poster with a lot of information. Mr Scott and two other students had the difficult decision of selecting the top prize out of all the wonderful posters that were created by the Year 9s.

First prize was awarded to Mayesa N and Thomas V

Second prize was awarded Sean C, Zeki F and Khiel T

Jan Handley (HOD Social Science)