Principal's Address
Tēnā koutou katoa, warm greetings to you all
The school year is rapidly coming to an end, senior students are on examination leave and NCEA well underway, we have completed our 2023 senior prizegiving and on Friday the 8th of December finish the year celebrating the Year 7 to 10 final prize giving assembly.
Our students and staff have shown huge resilience over the past three years under some difficult and challenging conditions, lockdowns, NCEA date changes which continue, rostering home of students and so forth, so well done to our staff and students.
Enrolments for 2023 are again increasing with students enrolling from both contributing schools, other regions and overseas, as a result the expected roll for 2024 is expected to be in excess of 900 students at our Kura. We are working with the Ministry of Education to urgently address the issues of space to cater for the rapidly increasing roll.
Farewells and emerging leaders for 2024
At the final senior assembly of 2023 we said farewell to our year 13 cohort. Our seniors will all be missed as they head into the wonder world and the exciting challenge ahead for them. All students who have passed through Hornby High School are part of our wonderful whānau and are welcome to come back to visit any time. We also thanked our Head Students for the awesome leadership over the 2023 year and we welcome and congratulate our incoming Head Students for 2024.
Celebrating our Head Students, prefects and leaders for 2024
Sofia Meduric Head Girl, Prefect
Khush Patel Head Boy, Prefect
Makaea Hepi Deputy Head, Manakura, Cultural leader, Prefect
Hope De La Mare Deputy Head, Sport leader, Prefect
Tobey Geldard Sport leader, Prefect
Skyler Alvarez Culture, Prefect
James Lousich Manakura
Addyson Sinclair Arts leader, Prefect
Dominique Van Wyk Arts leader, Prefect
Seini Mafi Community, Prefect
Jared Waihape Community, Prefect
Ranit Lal & Academic, Prefect
Nathan Russell Academic, Prefect
Christmas and the holiday break will for some be here, for those travelling, staying local or having family to stay, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a safe and enjoyable holiday break.
Ngā mihi nui
Iain Murray