by Kelly McNicholl

Riroriro Head Prefects Address

Chantae Abraham - November 21, 2023

Chantae Abraham

He mea whakahirahira tenei, he whakapau kaha i a tatou ki te ako i roto i Te Huruhuru Ao O Horomaka. Ko te mihi tuatahi ki a ranginui e tu iho nei, kia papatuanuku e takoto nei, tena korua.“Whakapau kaha ki te kura” is a journey we all embark upon together. It is a journey that not only shapes our minds, but also molds our individuality and strengthens our bonds as a community. As we gather here, it is important to acknowledge the significance of manaakitanga. Manaakitanga expresses kindness and respect for others, emphasizing responsibility and hospitality. In the walls of our school we find a space where each person is welcomed, cherished and given an opportunity to thrive. Let us extend manaakitanga not only to our peers but to ourselves as well, nurturing our growth and full potential. Believe in the many achievements you can accomplish and believe in the transformative impact it can have on your life. With this belief we are able to overcome any obstacle that stands in our way.

Taking whatever opportunity that life throws at you will determine your future. Over the years of my study, Hornby High School gave me the opportunity to become part of an awesome Prefect team and Head Student of Riroriro. Along with the position of leadership there came the responsibility of being a role model to the younger students and my peers who look up to me. With that I want to thank the teachers that have been with me since the beginning. Thank you for cheering me up with whatever dry jokes you could all come up with on the spot. Whenever I felt discouraged or unmotivated there would always be a teacher to keep me steady.

Commitment in school is like a compass that guides us through our educational journey. Commitment means to be dedicated to our studies, being learning ready and aiming to achieve your best. The determination for me is showing up everyday, ready to absorb knowledge and strengthen the brain, problem solving and multitasking any situation possible. But commitment is not only about showing up, it's about actively engaging with our education. It's about asking questions, gaining understanding and participating in classroom activities. It's about giving our best effort and when things are challenging, perseverance is key. Managing commitment in Hornby High School involves finding a balance between our academic responsibilities and our personal lives. It means setting realistic goals and prioritizing tasks. Time management is crucial as you have to allocate time for study, homework and revision to make sure you are ready for exams. It's about being organized, disciplined and having a structured routine that allows you to excel academically while still enjoying any other interests. While time management is additionally important, commitment at Hornby High School means taking care of your hauora. Get enough rest, eat well and keep active as exams will be stressful. Commitment in school is a journey that requires effort, dedication and perseverance. Believe in yourself and give it your all. Embrace the opportunities that are given to you and use them to shape your future.

Lastly but foremost, remember that you are not alone in this journey. Lean on your peers, your teachers and mentors. Seek guidance when needed, and offer it when you can. You can achieve greatness. Mo nga rangatahi o te huruhuru ao o horomaka, as you move forward, carry these lessons with you. They are the compass that will guide you through the exciting, sometimes challenging, but always rewarding path that lies ahead. Congratulations on your achievements and may your future be filled with success, and happiness. Kia kaha, kia maia, kia manawanui. Stand strong, be brave, be steadfast.

No reira tena koutou tena koutou tena koutou katoa. 

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2023 Hornby High School Yearbook