by Kelly McNicholl

Health Department

Alexandra Aitken - November 24, 2023

Kia ora koutou katoa, 2023 has been a busy and highly successful year for the Health Department.

There have been significant changes to the way in which we run our Year 9 and Year 10 Health programs.  We have spent many hours developing new and engaging units of work that cater for all levels of learners in our classes.  This year we introduced the levels Ace, Pro and Legend into all junior Health units.  By doing this, we have been able to create learning opportunities for all students.  We are very proud of the students for being committed to their learning.  Not only did we offer differentiated work for the students, we also offered different programs of learning that the students could opt into. The programs on offer were:  A series of Events, Enhanced Perceptions, Game Changer, The Health Clinic, Equilibrium and In The Know. 

The Year 12 Health students really made us proud of their dedication to enhance the wellbeing of the school community. The Year 12’s were successful in their campaign to modernise and update the jewellery policies at Hornby High School.  Not only did the students modernise the jewellery policies they also made sure the minority cultures were celebrated and acknowledged - wananei!  

The Health Department is very proud of Jaime B.  Jaime achieved an Outstanding Scholar grade for her Health Scholarship paper; making Jaime one of the top 14 students within New Zealand for Health. This is the highest Scholarship achievement in the history of Hornby High School.  We are eagerly awaiting the results for Sophie L’s 2023 Scholarship paper. 

This year we saw Mrs Petrie and Mr Goodfellow head away to venture into other roles.  Miss Bennett became a permanent Health teacher and Mrs Tafau and Miss Aitken welcomed an ex student of ours, Miss Cornish into the Health Department. 

Outstanding students for 2023 

Y9- Venice N, Miles F, Jordan O, Khiel T, Mikaylah I and Lydia B

Y10- Carla M-G, Jaedun L, Amber H, Rheanne B, Katie W and Shanaya D

Supported Learning Health- Brianna D

Y11- Risha P and Apollo S 

Y12- Sklyer A and Makaea H

Y13- Sophie L and Jhermaine I

We would like to thank all Health students for their hard work and dedication to their learning. 

Ngā Mihi.  


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2023 Hornby High School Yearbook