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Personal Best Recipients 24th May 2019
Photo by Kersten Seales

Personal Best Certificate Recipients for 24th May 2019 šŸ™Œ

Kersten Seales —

Congratulations to our hard working pupils who have earned awards this week.

Room 1

Edmond for his enthusiasm during maths.

Lyah for displaying great focus and effort during Topic.

Room 2

Lily-Ann for trying her best at all times, especially during writing.

Eshal for being a great self manager and always being ready for learning.

Room 3

Joseph for excellence with creating an animation on Kupe!

Kisziah for sharing your muttonbird adventures with us in a korero


 Nevaeh for making great progress in Panui. You are also a fantastic self-manager during panui time!

Alexis for always being ready for learning. Thanks for being a wonderful self manager!

Room 6

 Aaron for his willingness to share his critical thinking and summarise his ideas.

Isabella for her positive attitude to learning and improving her writing feedback.

Room 7

 Tyran for fantastic efforts in all areas, especially Maths.

Victoria for being an amazing role model in buddy class.

Room 8

 Malama for taking a leadership role in Pacific Group -  Lelei tele!

Jason for having a great work ethic, completing your work on time and to a high standard. Ka pai!

Room 9

 Angel for great individual work in Mathletics

Leo for great work in Maths

Room 11

Subreen for being a wonderful participator in all learning areas. Keep it up!

Hazel for using 'Wow' words in your writing. Ka Pai!

Room 12

 Axel for working hard at learning time, trying his best!

Terry for outstanding maths knowledge.

Conner for settling into school and managing himself.

Windsor for being such an amazing helper and self manager!