Congratulations to our hard working pupils below who have earned Personal Best Certificates the fortnight ending 10 November
Room 1
Ben Your creativity and always trying your personal best in topic
Sasha Your creativity and resilience when creating your facts about Guide Dogs
Room 2
Blayze Showing manawaroa by having an incredible start to his time at kura and doing his best!
Madinah Showing auaha within their writing mahi to complete an interesting explanation
Room 3
Nikolai Being a star in the classroom and showing the school values. Ka pai!
Talia Always trying your very best and presenting your work so carefully! Ka pai taku hoa!
Room 4
Azayah Showing confidence in the pool
Debrah Awesome writing skills
Room 6
Sienna Sharing ideas and news during our whole class ‘Lachie the Lion’ sharing time
Slade Writing independently, staying on task and using alphabet cards to support
Room 7
Mila Kei te kaha haere tō mahi pānui ia wiki, ia wiki! You are making good progress in reading! Ka pai e kōtiro.
Roya-Lee Nåu te manaakitanga, me te aroha hoki i tuku atu ki tå måtou tamaiti hou. Thanks for looking out for our new tamaiti.
Room 8
Amarah Consistently achieving in the classroom
Samuel Trying hard to focus in all areas
Room 9
Alysha Showing leadership and empathy among her peers while striving to be her best
Zeinab Showing leadership and pride when sharing her cultural food with the class
Room 10
Jack Showing manawaroa in all class situations
Maryam Showing leadership and pride when sharing her cultural food with the class
Room 11
Evan-Rose Increased confidence sharing your thinking in maths activities. Ka pai!
Robert A Using opportunities to extend your thinking and learning in reading activities. Ka pai!
Room 12
Aaliyah Making an effort to present her individual project well
Ailish Consistently working to her best, completing individual work to a high standard