Hero photograph
Photo by Kersten Seales

Room 6 - Learn Create Share

Kate Hanson —

This week in Room 6 we have been focusing on learning how to “app smash”. This is when you use two apps on the iPad to create the final product. We were using a combination of Draw and Tell and ChatterPix to recreate our favourite Matarki stars. Mrs Planicka came into our class and read us a story explaining what each star represents and taught us lots of new, interesting things about the Maori new year.

We have had to create and draw our Matariki stars and make them unique to us. We achieved this through the great tools available on the apps.

The affordances of digital technology allowed us to not only draw our stars but record the stars name and a brief description about the meaning of the star. It was a great way to work on oral language skills.

We chose to share our Matariki stars on our class Seesaw Blog and for the community to see our awesome hard work.