From The Principal ...
Another busy two weeks at Te Māhuri Mānuka Hornby Primary.
Kia ora whānau.
The children in the photo above are the recipients of the Principal's award certificates from Friday 19 May. Congratulations to these students! You may notice that they are wearing pink. That day was the National Pink Shirt day. Pink is the colour that represents being an upstander against bullying. It became the national anti bullying colour because a child was teased at school for his choice of pink t shirt. His friends decided to support him by also wearing pink. Hence the national symbol for antibullying. We have been teaching our students the difference between being mean, rude and a bully. An argument in the playground is not bullying, it is mean or rude (conflict). Bullying is something that happens over time and is intimidating for the victim. It would be great if you could talk about these differences with your children. Here is a good link that will help. Bullyingfree NZ.
Staffing - We welcome back to fold, Whaea Megan who is currently working along side Mrs Carey in our new entrant room. Megan has been working part time in our school and is currently working full time until the end of the term.
We welcome back Mrs Hanson also. Kate has returned from maternity leave and is currently working part time in Manu Tukutuku (Rm 1).
Paid Union Meetings - this week our staff attended a paid union meeting about improving their conditions which will improve outcomes for our students. Thank you for supporting your staff in this way. We will let you know the outcome ones the votes have been collated nationally.
Measles- Last week was Aotearoa Immunisation week. It’s a reminder that vaccinations can protect ākonga and whānau/families from preventable diseases such as measles, mumps and rubella, whooping cough and the flu.
For more information visit
Whānau hui - On Thursday 22 June, we will be having a whānau consultation hui to consult with Māori on how we support their hopes and dreams for their tamariki. All welcome.
Sports - Check out the photos below, of sports this afternoon. It has been a beautiful day out there!
Kings Birthday - Monday is a holiday!
Have a great weekend!