Personal Best Certificates 05.04.19
Room 1
Marina Showing great leadership skills.
Ellie Helping and caring for others in the classroom.
Room 2
Bentley Great progress in his reading this term.
Caleb A fantastic effort during the cross country. You were so resilient.
Room 3
Carez Fantastic self management during your research assignment.
Taimana Trying hard to complete all of your work to your personal best.
Room 4
Yazmin Learning to be an amazing tuakana - showing manaakitanga and patience. Kia kaha e kotiro
Narteiau Great tuhituhi - in both reo Maori and reo Pakeha! What a skill that is! Ka pai e tama!
Room 6
Adriaan Perseverance and a positive attitude during cross country.
Brianna Having a positive and resilient attitude during cross country.
Room 7
Lydia Showing perseverance and trying her personal best in mathematics.
Rye Approaching all activities with a positive "Can do" attitude.
Room 8
Blake Consistently using his values and being a great citizen of the school.
Ryan Progressing in making good decisions about his learning and behaviour.
Room 9
James Quick understanding of key words and facts in reading.
Kushla A good effort adding and subtracting tens in maths.
Room 11
Gary Your participation and super effort running the cross country.
Elisapeta Your participation and super effort running the cross country.
Room 12
Lexi Great self management
Teariki Awesome sharing of ideas during discussion time.