Personal Best Certificate Recipients 4 December
Congratulations to our hard working pupils who have earned awards this week 4 December
Room 1
Drew A super effort and huge improvement with writing. Keep up the fabulous work!
Felice Always helping others and contributing to class discussions
Room 2
Jaxon Starting Hornby Primary with a fantastic attitude
Lily Always being willing to lend a helping hand
Room 3
Jae Outstanding resilience on EOTC
Kahurangi Outstanding resilience on EOTC
Room 4
Maria Fantastic enthusiasm to piki ake to reo Maori
V J Great focus during Kaupapa and drawing an awesome kara for i te Moana. Ka pai e tama!
Room 6
Kalolaine Using the Hornby Primary values and having a positive attitude
Olivia Having a positive attitude and showing resilienceat EOTC
Room 7
Jacob Fantastic attitude on EOTC activities and showing resilience
Michaela Putting a great effort into her EOTC activities and trying her hardest
Room 8
Edward Positive attitude during EOTC week. Ka pai!
Kelis Sustained effort in all learning areas. Ka pai to mahi!
Room 9
Blake Better individual work habits
Casper Taking more pride in his work
Room 11
Liam Your enthusiasm and participation during reading. Keep it up!
Lucas Showing participation and sharing your ideas in topic. Ka pai Lucas!
Room 12
Ankit Always looking after his friends and class members
Ashlynn Being a kind class member
Curtis Trying hard with his work
D J Always participating in class activities