Another successful EOTC week
Kate Mclachlan - December 2, 2021

This week we completed another successful Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC) programme for 2021 with our Year 5 and 6 students as well as our Big Day Out which included our Year 4s.
This year children participated in a high ropes course at Adrenaline Forest and play at Spencer Park, trampolining at Mega Air, cooperation activities with Top Team, roller skating with Phat Sk8, an Amazing Race style competition in the CDB including a tram ride, and surfing at Sumner Beach.
This year we were very impressed with the behaviour of our children. They showed a lot of resilience with some activities that challenged them beyond their comfort zone and other activities required teamwork and physical skills.
Keep an eye out on your child’s blog as I am sure they will have plenty of photos and recounts of their experiences! A special thank you to all the school staff and our parent helpers who helped to make these days a success.