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Te Māhuri Mānuka Hornby Primary School

by Kersten Seales

Learn, Create, Share

Georgia Harris - March 17, 2021

Rooms 1 and 2

This week in Room 1 and 2 we have been focusing on learning how to create Fauve inspired self portraits.

We have achieved this by practising and experimenting with different art techniques, researching more into how Fauve art is created and applying these into our own self portraits.

We have been creating in a variety of different ways especially during our reading, we have been using our reading time to learn more about word families, create a picture that is associated with that word, then create a sentence about the picture.

We have used the affordances of digital technology to help create these activities on Seesaw, the children are experts, and are always keen to share their learning with friends and family.

Through creating the students have been able to improve their understanding of what they are reading, their oral language skills and digital fluency.

We enjoy sharing our work on Seesaw, as it gives our parents and other family members an opportunity to see what learning is going on in Room 1 and 2. It is also a great opportunity for children to comment and give feedback to one another.