Lunch Club & PSG
Big turnout today ...
Lunch Club
Lunch Club is held on a Thursday each week of the term apart from the first and last weeks.
Most weeks the children have healthy sandwiches 🥪, and occasionally we have a sausage sizzle, the sandwiches cost $1 each.
We have a core group of around 7 parent helpers, but we are always looking for new people to help, it only takes a couple of hours once a week, if you think you could be interested in helping come down on a Thursday and have a look or contact Kersten, Brent or Katrina :)
Parents Support Group (PSG)
The Parents Support Group is a group of parents from the school that are actively involved helping in the school community.The PSG are involved organising events in the school such as discos, and other fund raising events which the profits are put back into the school.
The PSG also help in the school community with families that have had misfortune.The PSG meet a couple of times a term and our now actively looking to recruit new members and form a committee.If you think you would like to be part of this important group in our school please speak to Gary, Kersten or Brent.
Ngā mihi