Learn, Create, Share
Kate Hanson - February 23, 2022
This week in Room 2 we have been focusing on learning how to use a variety of apps on the iPad. We have been learning how to take photos correctly, how to hold and care for our iPads and how to navigate Seesaw. Through this process we have been able to learn the Kawa of care for our iPads.
The students in Room 2 have chosen to create a book for each classroom and share pictures that they have taken demonstrating the correct way to care for our iPads.. We achieved this through the great tools available on Book Creator and Seesaw.
The affordances of digital technology allowed us to not only present our work in a variety of ways but to share our wonderful books with a wide, authentic audience.
We chose to share our personal seesaw journals which our parents have access to as well as on the classroom blog.