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An update from the Hororata Community Trust

Hororata Community Trust —

Read about changes at the Hororata Community Trust and the year-end March 2022 annual report.

The Hororata Community Trust (HCT) has been operating for 11 years and is focused on providing the resources to promote, foster, and develop Hororata and its wider community.

The HCT's 11th year of operation got off to a great start with the Hororata Glow Festival in May 2021 but quickly after this COVID reared its head again causing everyone to pivot once again. Thanks to our Patrons, Partners and Funders the HCT was able to continue to support our community to its full extent despite the 2021 Games being canceled. This included working with community groups enabling them to raise a combined $122,000 for their own causes, building the new online community hub, and supporting 14 different groups in various ways. Please find attached the year-end March 2022 annual report.

The HCT is excited to announce Sam Richards has been appointed as a Trustee. Sam grew up in Windwhistle where his family has been for six generations, he now lives in the area with his wife and four daughters. Sam is a structural and civil design engineer with over 20 years’ of experience. He is the principal of Richards Consulting Engineers based in Canterbury and Auckland. Sam brings his experience in civil and structural projects throughout New Zealand and Queensland to the HCT as well as a deep connection to the communities in our area.

Sadly,  long-term HCT supporter, community champion and Trustee, Dee Innes has retired. Dee had been a Trustee since 2016 and has been invaluable in this role connecting the wider community to the Trust activities as well as sourcing funding through various organisation. Dee will remain part of the Hororata Highland Games committee where her guidance and vast experience is very much appreciated.

The HCT has also had a change of Chair with Richard Lang stepping down and Ainsley Walter appointed. Richard will remain on the Trust. Ainsley played an instrumental role in the establishment of the Hororata Community Trust in 2010 and continues her support of this community as a Trustee and now Chair. Richard and Ainsley have worked closely in the past and will continue to do so, which will ensure continuity for the Trust.

Clan Hororata is assembling once again for the 11th Hororata Highland Games on the 5th November; tickets are flying out the door, stalls are fully booked and there is a huge lineup of international competitors coming to the festival. If you would like to join the Clan and volunteer at the Games CLICK HERE.

The HCT is continuing to work with the community and the Selwyn Council to develop the Hororata Community Hub surrounding the existing Hororata Hall. We hope in the next few months an agreement is reached with Selwyn Council which sees this historic hall transferred to the HCT so that together with the community we can make this project happen.

The HCT continues to stay connected to the team working on the Stone Church restoration and supports this project as needed. 

The online community hub is providing many benefits to the community. If you have not checked it out yet have a look www.hororata.org.nz The Online Hub showcases our community and promotes events all in one central place. 

As always there is a lot going on in this rural community. The HCT will continue to provide the tools, resources and structure to ensure the communities thrive now and into the future.