Hero photograph
"Muddy Bull" photograph by Amanda King

Hororata Parish Art and Soul

Hororata Parish —

A certain amount of excitement is gathering at ‘The Artist’s In’ as they prepare for Art and Soul 2022 exhibition of artwork opening on Friday 10th June.

Frank Hakkart and Sarah Handley have developed the old Hororata pub into a spacious and delightful gallery. Generously they have offered this space to the Hororata Parish to hold an art exhibition over two weekends.

The exhibition will open will be a grand affair on the 10th of June with wine and canapes. There are a limited number of tickets available for the opening and are available from the Hororata Café or The Artist’s In.

An eclectic collection of artwork in different media has been promised from Simon Edwards, Patterson Parkin, Anna and Amelia Guild, Lorraine Natusch, Soon-Lee Spicer, Amanda King, Ben Groters, John Ballagh, Nicola Preece, Sarah Barrett, Cathie Bell, Ben Smith and Dee Innes.

One of the pieces included in the exhibition is John Ballagh's unique 'Cabbage Tree' sculpture is a striking artwork standing four metres high. Symbolizing the New Zealand Cabbage Tree, traditionally used to mark trails, boundaries, urupā (cemeteries), and births, this sculpture stands tall as a way-finder. Crafted from mild and stainless steel bolted together over several weeks its twisted shape casts intricate shadows as the sun moves around it. Over time the steel will elegantly rust giving the piece more depth and interest.

Artworks will be for sale with funds going towards the general management of the Parish and the maintenance of the First Church – the wooden church.

Click here for more details.

Or contact Dee Innes 03 3186 802.