Hero photograph
Manawa Energy

New heartbeat for the Heavies

Hororata Community Trust —

Manawa Energy has joined our Clan of partners as the naming rights sponsor of the Hororata Highland Games Heavy Arena.

Manawa means ‘heart’ and it speaks to the heart of their operations in the Bay of Plenty, from where they connect with communities across Aotearoa New Zealand, through their generation assets.

Manawa Energy operates the Lake Coleridge Power Station, the New Zealand government’s first major hydro power station, built in 1914 to supply power to Christchurch. Lake Coleridge is popular for fishing and boating and there is public access to the Harper and Wilberforce rivers, boat launching, and a freedom camping area at the head of the lake.

Manawa Energy works with BRaid (Braided River Aid) on environmental projects, particularly with respect to native bird species, including weed control and predator trapping.

They also work with the Coleridge Habitat Enhancement Trust and are the funders of the Rakaia Environmental Enhancement Society, which both carry out and provides funding to environmental projects in the area.

"Manawa Energy is proud to be supporting the Hororata community and the Highland Games. We are excited to be part of the Heavy arena and look forward to seeing the athletes battle it out on the day," said Ryan Kane, from Manawa Energy’s stakeholder engagement team.

Having Manawa Energy on board is a huge boost for the Highland Games, Cindy Driscoll from the Hororata Community Trust explained. "The Heavy events are at the heart of the Games, we have the best athletes from around the world come to compete at our event. To have Manawa Energy powering the Heavy arena means we can continue to grow and develop the sport of Highland Games strength events."

Click here to read more about the athletes competing at this year's Horoarta Highland Games on Saturday 11th November.