Hero photograph
Hororata CRT

Malvern Community Service Awards

Cindy Driscoll —

Congratulations to Hororata CRT, Pauline Pearce, Diane Woodward and Gerald Innes whose volunteer efforts were recognized at the Malvern Community Service Awards.

After a two year gap the Malvern Community Service Awards returned to celebrate and recognize the many people who selflessly give their time to their community.

Congratulations to:

The Hororata Community Response Team who were recognised for their work in preparing the community for emergencies and their work during recent flooding events which have affected Hororata village. 

Pauline Pearce whose energy, commitment and passion for a number of community groups, including the Hororata Historical Society, Hororata Community Trust, Glentunnel Museum and Hororata Golf Club, were recognised. If something needs to be done in the community you can count on Pauline to step up to do it!

Gerald Innes is one of our community's quiet heroes. He has worked voluntarily for various organizations in the district over the last 35 years. He is a “doer” who gets on with the job in hand quietly and quickly with no fuss. His support for neighbours during challenging times was commended.  

Diane Woodward was recognised for her contribution to the community as she actively volunteers for a number of groups across Malvern and for her role as a Justice of the Peace.

Other recipients were: Rob Frew, Melissa Jebson, Val McKenzie, Allison Rosanowski, Sara Sime and Gwen Heffernan.

Olive Webb, Trustee of the Hororata Community Trust spoke at the awards ceremony to acknowledge the many people in our community who make a difference. The Awards were hosted by the Malvern Community Board at the refurbished Darfield Library.