Hororata Highland Games 2024 Stallholder Information
Stallholders are invited to join our community at the 13th Hororata Highland Games, a Scottish Festival with a Kiwi twist! Applications are open now.
Event Details
Venue: Hororata Domain, Hororata Road, Hororata
Date: Saturday 9th November 2024
Time: 9.00am – 4.30pm
Expect Crowd: 9,000 people
Pack in: Between 1.00pm – 6.00pm Friday 8th November or between 6.30am - 8.30am Saturday 9th November 2023.
On event day access to stall sites will be open 6.30am – 8.30am. No vehicles will be allowed to enter the venue after 8.30am.
All stallholder vehicles must be removed from the site by 8.45am.
There is reserved parking for stallholders. There is no parking within the venue.
Pack out: 4.30pm – 6.00pm Saturday 9th November and 8am – 1pm Sunday 10th November.
Entry: Stallholders will receive two complimentary tickets for the event. Approved community groups with fundraising activities will receive six tickets. Children under 16 years are free.
If you would like additional tickets, we can offer them at the discounted Early Bird rate if you request them with your application. There will be no gate sales.
Stall Types
Stallholders should consider which category their stall fits into:
· Food Vendors (those stalls selling meals for consumption at the event)
· Merchandise and produce (includes cakes, biscuits, relishes, sweets etc)
Site Options
The number of stalls will be limited. Options include:
a) Uncovered stall site (3 x 3m) - need own cover to protect against the weather (rain or shine) - $110
b) Covered stall site (3 x 2.5m) - advisable to bring floor covering for these - $110
c) Food Vendor Voluntary site (3m x 6m) - $80
d) Small Commercial Food vendor site (3m x 4.5m) - $230
e) Large Commercial Food vendor sites (3m x 8m) - $280
Power is an additional charge of $30.00. If you require 3 phase power, please contact us at the time of your application to discuss.
All prices include GST.
Applications must be made through the online form by the deadline. All applications undergo a selection process, and acceptance is not automatic.
Applications are closed
All stallholders must read and accept the terms and conditions outlined in the attached document; this includes all health and safety requirements. Please ensure you complete the form in full and give a good description of what you are selling on your stall. If you have a Scottish product or twist, please include this on the form. What you put in the description is all the Committee has when selecting stalls for the event. You are welcome to email photos to games@hororata.org.nz
Food Vendors (selling meals for consumption on the day) – Closed - sold out
General Stalls: Closed
Acceptance and Payment
The committee will review all applications after each closing date. This selection process ensures the best mix of stalls at the event, offering our visitors a wide range of products.
We will email you to advise if you have been selected within seven working days after the category deadline date.
If selected to attend the event, you will receive an invoice, which you must pay within seven (7) days. Please note: Unless by prior arrangement, non-payment by the due date will result in your site being transferred to another exhibitor from our waiting list.
Scottish Stalls
The Hororata Highland Games is a Scottish-themed event. Preference will be given to stallholders selling Scottish products or who have a Scottish Theme.
Be in the running for the Best Dressed Scottish Stall. The winner will be announced at the event during the afternoon and will receive publicity on the event’s social media sites post-event and a free site at the 2025 Hororata Highland Games.
Even if you don’t have Scottish products, you can still theme your stall. We would love to see many stalls taking up the challenge. To help you with this, you can purchase Scottish Flag Bunting on the application form for $10 for 5m.
Registrations and Licenses
The Hororata Community Trust holds a liquor license for the Hororata Highland Games, this is a licensed venue so there is to be no BYO. There is an alcohol-free area around the Fairground north of the Barn.
All Stallholders must ensure they have their own food registrations and licenses. If selected to attend the event, you must provide a copy of your Food Control Plan Registration. Volunteer stalls selling food for fundraising purposes are not required to provide this; however, they are expected to abide by all food regulations and laws.
Stallholders offering activities to the public at the event must provide Health and Safety information, including Hazard Management Plans and Certificates of Insurance. If your application is successful, the Hororata Community Trust will request this information closer to the event date.
The support of sponsors is essential to the continued operation and success of the Hororata Highland Games. The arrangements with our sponsors often include exclusivity rights. Please note that applications by stallholders promoting or selling products or services which conflict or compete with our sponsors’ products or services won’t be accepted. Likewise, these products or services cannot be promoted or sold at the Hororata Highland Games.
No stallholder can sell alcoholic drinks without prior permission. Non-alcoholic cold beverages may be sold.
The Hororata Pie is a Hororata Community Trust fundraiser. No other stallholder can sell or promote pies at the event.
A list of stallholders will be published on the Hororata Highland Games website and promoted through the Facebook page leading up to the event. Stallholders will be listed in the event programme. Stallholders will be able to advertise with event media partners at discounted rates. Please indicate on your application form if you want to learn more about these opportunities.
On the day, all stallholder signage must be erected within the stall boundaries; this includes banners and flags.
Terms and Conditions
Please see the attached terms and conditions for more details.
Please direct any stall enquires to:
021 366 606 games@hororata.org.nz