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Champions Pipe Band - Grade 2 Celtic Pipe Band (Nelson) by David Baird

Solo Piping, Drumming and Pipe Band Results

Hororata Community Trust - November 10, 2023

The Hororata Highland Games hosted 20 pipe bands, making it the biggest pipe band event in New Zealand outside of the National Pipe Band Championships. This saw a record number of solo drummers and pipers with 73 competing in the morning programme.

Pipe Band Results 

Winners of Grades

Juvenile: St Andrews College Pipe Band A

Grade 4: St Andrews College Pipe Band B

Grade 3: Canterbury Caledonian Society's PB Gd3

Grade 2: St Andrews College Pipe Band A

Champion Band of the Day:  Celtic Pipe Band (Nelson) Gd2

Solo Drumming and Piping Results