Accessible version
by Cushla Piesse

Highland Dancing Results

Hororata Community Trust - November 10, 2023

91 dancers took part in the Hororata Highland Games 2023. Here are the Most Points and Championship results.

Most Points Champion - Sarah McCarthy

6 years and under - Isabelle Thompson

Under 8 years - Isabelle Thompson

8 & under 10 years - Harlow Allison

10 & under 12 years - Sofia Sneddon 

12 & under 14 years - Sarah McCarthy 

Under 16 years - Lily Wilson

Under 18 years - Ella Wilson 

Open - Brittney Moore

Thanks to our 2023 Adjudicators:
Mesdames Siobhan Smith (Dunedin), Kimberley Mavor (Oamaru), Sandra Glover (Southland)

Thanks to

Dance by Lauren & Louise