Hero photograph
Glentunnel Museum

Glentunnel Museum Opening Tours

Cindy Driscoll —

With exhibits to explore and something for all ages, the Glentunnel Museum is a wonderful place to visit.

Opening 1pm- 4pm Easter Sunday 9 April
and the 1st Sunday of each month May – September 
Or by appointment

The Glentunnel Museum contains an extensive collection of items depicting the history of the South Malvern area (Whitecliffs, Coalgate & Glentunnel) and Lake Coleridge Districts. On display are photographs of early Glentunnel, items produced at the Homebush Brickworks & Pottery, household goods, coal mining equipment and an extensive library of books and literature written by locals about life in this area including the history of local servicemen of WW1

3 Philip St Glentunnel, New Zealand
Donation entry fee
Contact : glentunnelmusuem@gmail.com

03 3182377