Hororata Community Trust — Nov 10, 2023

15 teams took part in the Harraways Junior Warriors in an impressive display of skill from these upcoming Highland Games athletes.

Hugh thanks to the Hororata Primary School for running this competition and the Junior Have A Go in the afternoon.

Overall Champions - Hororata Primary School Boars

Tyler McCorkindale, Elias Buechele, George Harris, Perency Buka

Primary School

1st - Hororata Primary School Boars

2nd - Kinloch Glentunnel Primary School Warriors

3rd - Darfield Primary School Dynamos 


1st - Darfield High School Spartans

2nd - Balach làidir - Hilmorton School

3rd - Darfield High School Bravehearts 


Caber Toss - Fletcher Thwaites 

Stone Putt - Fletcher Thwaites

Farmers Walk - Logan Mackay-Hatcher

Junior Stones - Logan Mackay-Hatcher 

Click the attachment for full results.

Harraways — Image by: Harraways