suzanne newton — Mar 17, 2021

What a wonderful array of green at Isleworth today for our PTA Mufti Fundraiser for our new playground.

Kia ora 

Huge thanks to everyone for getting in behind our first PTA Mufti for 2021. Outstanding success and close to $335.00 raised. What an amazing effort!

From the building site, where I was in a meeting, we could see the smiles on faces as students paraded.

Congratulations to the photogenic prize winners for best dressed.

Team Waipuna: Leo & Riley

Team Wairere: Apryl (obscured) & James

Team Awa: Ivy & Luke

Team Moana: Zade & Olivia

Staff: Mrs Currie, Mr McNabb, Miss Gardyne & Robbie

Parent: Mr Johns

Thanks to our judging panel consisting of: Raywyn Wright (DP), Erica Wade (Rimu/Green House Leader) and Kara Harden (PTA rep).

Here's hoping Team NZ are as successful on the water today as Isleworth was. 

Again, just another positive example of what makes Isleworth a special place.

Kia kaha
