Hero photograph
Photo by Isleworth School

Welcome to Term 4

suzanne newton —

Attendance, Hats, Fencing, School Photos, Teacher Only Days and other dates

Tēnā koutou ngā whānau

Term 4 starts tomorrow at 8.55am!

We are looking forward to welcoming everyone back to school. I hope that you have all managed to have a restful break as the term ahead is going to fly by quickly.

Attendance, now that we are at Level 1, is a key focus at Isleworth School. We continue to work alongside families to ensure their tamariki are attending school daily. Arriving on time, between 8.30am and 8.55am, prior to the bell is really important. Our students who are regularly late often miss out daily routine or vital instructions that can set them up for a successful day as a learner in our environment. Your support in preparing your son or daughter for their learning day is valued.

As a Sunsmart school Term 4 means everyone has to wear a school, sun smart hat when outside.  At Isleworth we would like to see as many students with their hats on Day 1 of Term. Staff have been reminded of this too. Approved hats are available for purchase in the office. Please make sure that all hats are named. Our policy of 'No Hat, No Play' will be enforced by all adults on active supervision in the playground.

Temporary fencing has been installed around the site where the old Learning Centre was removed. This area is strictly out of bounds for all students for health & safety reasons. Expectations will be shared with all by staff on Day 1 and regularly reinforced. Please take care as you come around the pathway between the senior block and the entry to the courts.

We are still currently waiting for our tender and consent to be approved before work can commence on the flat, flexible, multi-purpose space (previously known as a hall). The timeline has currently been pushed back by approximately 1 month, frustrating we know, however we hope to see a start at some stage this term. As soon as I have permission for plans to be posted on our website I will inform the community.

School Photos Thursday 15 October. The team from Heritage will be starting with those families who booked sibling sittings through the school before progressing to classes/individuals. Summer uniform is required for photos.

Teacher Only Day Monday 16 November, this is the additional day , approved by the Board of Trustees after we lost a day earlier in the year due to COVID. Staff will be onsite working on assessment, data analysis and reporting. This is one of the eight days given to Primary Teachers, over three years, as part of their collective agreement in July 2019. 

CASPA will be operational on this day.

Please check your Team Newsletter and/or the Calendar for upcoming dates of importance. I've just merged my electronic school calendar with my home calendar, and added a paper copy to the fridge for all, to ensure that no event gets missed out. With one son finishing Year 8, another with NCEA Level 2 exams, and Isleworth school end of year activities coming up the madness of juggling is going to kick in!

PTA Meeting Monday 12 October, 7pm in the staffroom. It would be wonderful to have some new faces to ensure the sustainability of our PTA moving forward. Come along and check how things run out, you don't have to commit to anything.

Remember at Level One you are welcome into school to talk with your son or daughter's teacher if you have any wonderings. Sign in at the office first or use the COVID QR code on the entrance doors.

Face to face is always best. A new duty roster starts tomorrow so not all teachers are available every morning or afternoon due to their active supervision commitments. I look forward to seeing those who enter from Isleworth Road tomorrow, I'm back in my regular spot each Monday.

In the meantime, I've checked the summer uniforms are all good to go, located hats for the two who need them, filled the shelves for lunchboxes, I'm missing some stationery that needed replacing - oops. It will be a battle of the wills tonight when I send them all to bed early so that I can get myself sorted.

Until tomorrow. Stay safe and be kind.

Nga mihi nui
