Hero photograph
Photo by Isleworth School

Week 7 - Well done!

suzanne newton —

Message from the Principal about sharing our values as a community, new staff, uniform, Level 2 update, attendance and NO school Monday.

Talofa lava,

What a joy to be able to celebrate the Samoan language this week with all students. Our Samoan students have been sharing their knowledge with others; they love to teach adults daily greetings and sayings that are familiar to them.

I had the privilege to be able to share my pride in the daily demonstration of our school values by all members of our community this week with an experienced national educator.

At Isleworth School we promote four core values of Respect - Care - Responsibility - Honesty.

Respect - the immense respect demonstrated by all members of our community, young and old, of the protocols and changes that come with Alert Level 2. We appreciate the challenge of the pick up and drop off zone for you as parents however are grateful for your support to work through this for the safety of all.

Caring - the care that everyone is showing for others, little things like making an effort to smile, greeting people by name, extending a listening ear and showing empathy. I have two special little ladies that join me most mornings to support their friend to leave her Mum and come into school. The strength and grace they provide for each other speaks volumes, the smiles and skipping into school hand in hand is rewarding beyond belief. Just one example of many we will be highlighting in the coming weeks.

Responsibility - the strength that our students have shown to take the lead, take their bags, belongings and venture into the school each day on their own, this shows increased independence and responsibility for themselves. We have seen many siblings step up and support their younger brothers and sisters into school, from New Entrant level through to Year 6. This is always heartwarming to see and we hope this continues long after COVID-19. As educators we know you place a great deal of responsibility in us as a profession too.

Honesty - thank you for sharing your stories with us. We know the lockdown time has been challenging for many and our thoughts are with our families who are adjusting to job loss or insecurity. Students are quick to share both the good and bad, especially the young - they are very honest. In the stories of challenges that people are facing, we get a deeper understanding of your reality and how we can support as we move forward. We are not here to judge, we are a community who join together in tough times. If you are needing support please let us know.

Breakfast Club is OPEN

This week we reopened Breakfast Club from 8:30-8:55am, this is in partnership with Sanitarium, Fonterra and our wonderful Isleworth PTA. Breakfast Club is an opportunity for our students to gather, share kai and talk with peers while supervised by an adult. It is non-judgemental, students attend for a range of reasons: too busy for breakfast at home, may have been in a rush, didn’t feel like breakfast, like to sit and talk with other students or the adult present. All students are welcome to attend.

Alert Level 2 update - changes with increased gatherings to 100

The government decision to raise the number of people who can gather in one place has been lifted to 100 people from noon today, Friday, this however has minimal impact for us as a school community. With 301 students we potentially open ourselves up to 301 parents or caregivers onsite at one time. For this reason we have opted to continue with the drop off and pick up zones that are currently operating until we move to Alert Level 1. The staggered pick up will remain at 2.45pm for Team Awa, 2.55pm for Team Waipuna, 3pm for Team Moana & Wairere.

We have been working hard to ensure all siblings meet at a central point and are then sent to the agreed spot designated by their parent or caregiver. For ease of communication please remember to email whanau teachers and the office if you are making adjustments to this so we can make sure no upsets occur.

A reminder that if you are coming on site, you are required to sign in at the office and staff should be aware of your arrival as you will have already made an appointment. Many agencies are resuming their services in schools from Week 8.

Meet our New Staff

This term brings changes to the staff at Isleworth, as shared last week we have appointed Mr Mark Scully to a permanent position in Moana 2 and have Mrs Sandra Davey working across the school.

Mr Scully - Kia ora, Isleworth whanau. My name is Mark Scully and I have just started in Moana 2. I am really excited to join the teaching team at Isleworth. I have just returned to Christchurch after a year teaching in South Canterbury. Most of my teaching experience is with older students, so I am looking forward to teaching the Y3-4’s. I enjoy sports, particularly cricket, so it was great to see a pitch out in the school grounds for the warmer months. I have two high school aged children who are glad to be back in Christchurch too. Looking forward to meeting many of you in due course.

Mrs Davey - Talofa lava, Isleworth school community. My name is Sandra Davey and I have been relieving at Isleworth school since 2019. I am really pleased to be joining the teaching staff for the remainder of the year. I have taught in many Christchurch schools in the Junior and Middle school. I enjoy sharing my passion for literacy, (I carry a book in my car at all times). The Arts and Physical Education. I have three grown up children and four grandchildren. In my free time my husband and I love to travel especially to the Pacific Islands.


A reminder that Isleworth School has a school uniform. As the cooler months approach black tracksuit pants, worn with the red polo shirt or red skivvy along with the green sweatshirt is most common. Some of our girls choose to wear the winter tunic with long socks or stockings. Jeans are not appropriate school wear for students who may be running, climbing and moving around spaces.

The school supply of second hand items is growing, gold coin donation, so if you need any extra items please make an appointment to see Karyn. We are extremely appreciative to all the families who have donated old uniforms and warm clothing for winter.

Newsletter & Messages

We are aware that not everyone is reading the messages that are contained in our newsletter or prompts pushed out via HAIL. If you have any constructive, solutions focused feedback on ways we could ensure everyone is receiving them please feel free to drop us a line.

Illness in a time of COVID-19

As has been consistently advised throughout the COVID response, if your child is unwell eg. runny nose, coughing, sneezing we ask that they stay home. Please notify the office of any absence via phone or email. As normal, if your child is unwell at school you will be contacted and expected to pick your child up as soon as possible.

Ministry of Education and Health sites are located below to support with accurate information:

Ministry of Education


Weekly Attendance Collection

The Ministry is asking all schools with an SMS to submit attendance data weekly, Isleworth School will be doing this starting from 29 May. The purpose is to:

  • inform and support Ministry planning for students and schools returning to normal operation, and

  • evaluate and report on the effectiveness of initiatives implemented by the Ministry to respond and manage its response to COVID-19.

We need to find out which groups of students and schools have been most affected by the lockdown. The Ministry can then support these schools with appropriate services.

Queen’s Birthday Holiday - NO SCHOOL Monday 1 June.

I’ve been reflecting how lucky we were to have such warm weather during the lockdown period as I’ve driven to school and returned home in the dark this week. I can honestly admit I was an unprepared mum who sent her eldest back to college last week in shorts as I hadn’t purchased winter trousers that were long enough. My daughter is complaining that winter stockings are not good for dancing or wearing when Jack Frost disappears in the afternoon. As winter is due to arrive on Monday I’m already sizing up the ewes in the front paddock anticipating the joy of the spring lambs.

If you are travelling to support local or venturing nationally this weekend, please stay safe.

Enjoy the extra day together as a family.

Alofa atu nei. Alofa mai taeao. Kindness given. Kindness gained.

Manuia le aso.

Suzanne Newton