Hero photograph
Photo by Kara Mason

Celebrating our Students

Kara Mason —

These are the names of students who have received Values Certificates at our recent 'mahi tahi' assembly. And pictured above are winners' from our gold token assembly at the end of last term.

Week 2

Room 1 Leila Ashford - For her positive attitude around the school

Baxster Lamb - For helping others succeed with their learning in the class.

Room 7 Kaydee Hulme - for your diligence and focus. You get your work done and put in extra effort. Well done!

Lydia Edwards - you are a hard worker. You put effort into your work and don’t give up when it is tricky. Keep it up!

Room 9 Daniel Van Dijk - showing integrity and focus, consistently, at Technology.

Nevin Manulua Lafi - for demonstrating independence and initiative while working at the community gardens. 

Room 2 Elijah Groube - for supporting your friend Emily by attending the Speech Competition.

Aynjel Rogers - for supporting your friend Cody by attending the Speech Competition.

Scarlett Wood - for woking really hard on your reading and writing.

Room 3 Ace Pompey-Tepu - stepping up with learning at home through homework and helping with extra jobs in the classroom.

Arthur Langkilde - improving self help skills

Room 5  Georgia Bell - caring and helpful classmate, Enzo-Lee - caring and thoughtful classmate, Theodore - thoughtful and helpful classmate, Ihaia Raukawa - Amazing start to school, trying his best.

Room 6 Savannah Quittenden - For being so focussed on your learning this week. You worked hard and succeeded in completing your mahi.

Ben Sorensen - For your amazing ideas during writing time. You thought of a great ‘plant a seed sentence’ for the class and also wrote your own adverb start sentence.

Marton Lion's Speech Competition

Congratulations to Nicalia Taueki-Katene, Cody Anderson and Emily Kerslake, who, following our own speech contest, went on to represent us at the local competition. (Photographed below are the students who took part in our school competition, pictured with judge, ex-pupil Cole Anderson.

Image by: Kara Mason