Hero photograph
Photo by Kara Mason

Policies and Procedures

Kara Mason —

In Term 1, all schools will review the Legislation and Administration Policy.

This includes, Student Attendance, Enrolment andUniform/Dress Code,We welcome your feedback on these before the end of term.

Reviews are open to board, staff, and the school community (parents/caregivers/whānau). Anyone can review any policy/procedure that has a red, review flag. The board is responsible for board-level overarching policies. 

You can find all our Policies and Procedures at www.schooldocs.co.nz There is also information on our website which gives you details about how you can be involved in the review of these.

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I remind you again to re-familiarise yourself with the process for addressing 'Concerns and Complaints', also found in the 'SchoolDocs' site.

We have paper copies available in the foyer if you require.

Please remember that we are always available to hear any concerns you may have and these are best addressed face-to-face, with the people involved and in a timely and respectful manner.