Hero photograph
Photo by Kara Mason

End of Year and 2024 organisation

Kara Mason —

There are a number of events coming up over the next few weeks. Currently our Year 7 and 8 team are away on Camp. Ms Gray's small group trip to Heartland Cottage in Foxton and Ngā Puawai trip to Whānganui Boys and Girls Club and Splash Centre have happened, as well as our Disco! (photos in gallery)

Image by: Kara Mason

This Friday - Ki o rahi tournament at Wilson Park from 9:15am until 2:30pm. (Karakia at 9am)

Next week - He Kākano trip to Mount Lees.

Week 9 - Year 6 students are heading off for 3 days and 2 nights to the Taranaki area, Opunake, Dawson Falls and Hawera. They have a great programme planned, including walks in some spectacular parts of that area.  

Kapa Haka

- Mātai Mauri Tū visit to Edale - Thursday 30 November


- Swimming display (Yr 4-8) - Tuesday 5 December

- Athletics Sports Day - Wednesday 13 December


- Year 8 Leavers' Dinner - Thursday 14 December 5-7pm

- Junior Prizegiving - Monday 18 December 11:30am

- Senior Prizegiving (Year 4-8) - Tuesday 19 December 11am

- Poroporoaki for Leavers - Wednesday 20 December 11am (School closes for the year at lunchtime)


On Thursday 14 December our Year 8 students will finish school at 12:50pm.  This is to allow for the set-up of the Leavers' Dinner and for the students to get themselves ready.

On this day we will be letting the students know who their teacher is for 2024, they will spend some time that afternoon with their new teacher.

Reports - End of year reports will be coming home on Friday 15 December.  The report is slightly different to last year.  It will still include the PACT reports for Reading, Writing and Maths, but will now include comments to go with each and ideas for supporting learning at home.

Magazine This year we will be publishing a school magazine which will come out to every family on the last day of school.

Term 1 2024 begins on Wednesday February 7th

Stationery Following our final Board of Trustees meeting in Week 10 we will be able to confirm the arrangements for School Stationery.  It is our aim to again provide stationery for every child on Day 1 of school, and keep the payment to an absolute minimum for whānau.

School Lunches The Ka Ora, Ka Ako | Healthy School Lunches programme has been guaranteed to continue until the end of 2024 at this stage.  We will be continuing with our current lunch supplier, Libelle, in 2024.