Kara Mason — Sep 19, 2023

The James Cook School Board of Trustees is advertising a pre-enrolment period for 2024, from September 15 until October 15, 2023.

We have the following out-of-zone spaces available for 2024:

10 out-of-zone spaces in Y1 (turning 5 in 2024)

2 out-of-zone spaces in Y3 for 2024

7 out-of-zone spaces in Y5 for 2024

5 out-of-zone spaces in Year 6 for 2024

4 out-of-zone spaces in Year 7 for 2024

Families living in our home zone (in-zone) can enrol at James Cook School at any time in any year group. (Home zone description is below)

Contact the James Cook School office for an enrolment pack on (06) 327-8229. Applications for this pre-enrolment period close at 3pm on October 15 2023. If required, we will run a ballot on 30th October. All successful applicants will be notified for this enrolment period on Wednesday 1 November 2023.

Please inform friends and family members who live out-of-zone who you know have children at these year levels that want to enrol at James Cook School.

James Cook School Board of Trustees

James Cook School

Home Zone Description

Lower Beaven Street (all houses on this street are in zone)

Ahuru Street (all houses on this street are in zone)

Rira Street (all houses on this street are in zone)

Ngareta Street (all houses on this street are in zone)

Nos. 1 - 47 Station Road inclusive are in zone

Nos. 1 - 15 Marumaru Street inclusive are in zone

Nos. 1 - 25 Kensington Road inclusive are in zone

Nos. 408 - 562 Wellington Road, inclusive are in zone

Nos. 395 - 607 Makirikiri Road inclusive are in zone

Nos. 196 - 366 Whales Line inclusive are in zone

Nos. 38 - 590 Pukepapa Road inclusive are in zone

Nos. 91 - 284 Neumans Line inclusive are in zone

Nos. 1 - 347 Hendersons Line inclusive are in zone

Meyer Crescent (all houses on this street are in zone)

Wilson Place (all houses on this street are in zone)

Russell Street (all houses on this street are in zone)

Hunia Street (all houses on this street are in zone)

Toia Street (all houses on this street are in zone)

Nos 28 - 36 Ross Street inclusive are in zone

Gordon Crescent (all houses on this street are in zone)

Mill Street (all houses on this street are in zone)

Sicely Street (all houses on this street are in zone)

Fergusson Street (all houses on this street are in zone)

Purnell Street (all houses on this street are in zone)

Barton Street (all houses on this street are in zone)