Hero photograph
Photo by Kara Mason

Art and Cultural Exhibition

Kara Mason —

In the last week of this term we invite you to come into school to share all the wonderful work that we have done during our Arts focus. Details are as follows...

Monday 26 June - From 9am we will be opening our doors, having transformed our classrooms and other spaces into an art gallery.

Students will arrive at school as normal or they may come with you.  You will be able to spend the morning going around the school looking at all the childrens' artwork.  

At 11am we will have performances from various groups.  This will also be a dress rehearsal for Mātai Mauri Tū who are our Kapa Haka group.  They are performing in the South Rangitīkei Cluster Cultural Festival in Term 3. (Friday of Week 1)

At 12pm you are welcome to join us for lunch (food will be on sale throughout the morning) and at 12:30pm we will be unveiling our new mural which is the work of students who have been part of the Creatives in School's project working with Whaea Tracy and Michelle.

This is also a fundraiser for the school so we welcome you to make an offer for any artwork that you wish to 'buy'.  (More details about this process will come closer to the time)