Hero photograph
Photo by Kara Mason

Celebrating our Students

Kara Mason —

Here are the recipients of our latest round of certificates for upholding our school values from recent Mahi Tahi Assemblies.

Week 9

Room 6 Eli Goddard - for pushing yourself when challenged with a particularly difficult reading activity.

Michael Mattocks - for pushing yourself when challenged with a particularly difficult reading activity.

Room 2 Elijah Groube - for great work and effort on your science project.

Ayla Sorensen - for truly showing RICHER to your peers as a Peer Mediator. Your leadership skills and diligence are impressive. Great job Ayla!

Room 4 Siobhan Lawson - Showing endeavour by being brave and resilient on our trip to the museum.

Rosa Iosefa - Representing our school with excellent sportsmanship at netball in the weekend.

Week 8

Room 6 Hailee Sorensen - For being a focussed learner. You worked hard and completed all your learning tasks this week.

Haylo-Corey Ashford - For the effort you show at writing time. You listen well, work hard and aim to do the best you can.

Room 4 Ariah Fotualii: For consistently demonstrating ‘golden’ behaviour.

Ngaire-Rose Ratana: Amazing work in our Matariki topic.

Room 2 Tylah Tau - for demonstrating exceptional manners and attitude at the Manawatu Cross Country competition and for working so well on his science project.

Ollie Sommerville - for stepping up and being the best he can be. This is great to see. Your perseverance and efforts are paying off.