Hero photograph
Photo by Kara Mason

Celebrating our students

Kara Mason —

This week we celebrate our students who achieved values certificates at our recent 'mahi tahi' assembly and another more unique celebration involving one of our James Cook stars!

Values Certificate Recipients

Week 2

Room 1 Ayla Kelly - For getting excited during maths! By working through her frustration she created a box that fit snugly around her creation.

Toby Spring - For returning from his holidays knowing more than when he left! He is making great progress with his reading.

Room 2 Charlie Penn - For linking previous learning to new learning. Always taking on challenges with a positive attitude.

Phillip MacDonald-Rice - for working well and always trying his best.

Room 3 Arlo De Malmanche for kindness towards another in the class.

Stella Calkin for making new friends.

Room 4 Lachlan Boerboom - Wonderful contribution to our ANZAC Day discussions.

Matene Pulemagafa - Showing care and respect by helping to keep our classroom tidy.

Room 6 Lilah Ngatoa-Spooner - for showing endeavour in your learning. I love to see the focus and effort you are putting into your learning each day.

Ruby de Malmanche, for showing endeavour in the classroom. You work hard to do your best and you take pride in your work.

Room 7 Ryan Wilkinson - for always being on task and working well with others.

Zoe McDowell- for using her initiative and helping to set-up our classroom each day.

Room 8 Vitana Elia for settling down to her work and being a great role model in class.

Jude Bailey for improving with his handwriting and following directions.

Room 9 Legacy Katene Rakatairi Jetson - for always trying his best to make good choices.

Jayziah Pompey  - for consistently supporting his peers in his own quiet way.

Week 3

Room 1 Baxster Lamb - For endeavouring to develop his spelling knowledge, progressing more than a year in knowledge in only one term.

Regan White-Gough - For making the greatest percentage shift in our class in his Math knowledge.

Room 2 Leonia Faletaogo - for always having such a positive attitude to learning and giving everything a go!

Jacob Seigafo - for always working hard and being a helpful member of Room 2.

Room 3 Tauu-O-Terangi Harrison and Taylor Martin for settling into school expectations and routines

Room 4 Kelly Lofia Sue and Carter Wilkinson - both for ‘Golden’ behaviours and attitudes to earning.

Room 6 Cassius Maas-Apai - For the hard work you put in to achieve new learning in maths.

Aria Torrie - For consistently showing endeavour in your learning. You always give your best.

Room 7 Zakariah Mitchell - for showing curiosity and care when answering his notebook self-reflections.

Charlie Ayers – for working diligently and well with others.

Room 8 Randell Faletaoga for being a great sportsperson and sharing his talents.

Tarla Rose for regularly offering her services on the sports trolley and helping with things around the classroom.

Room 9 Jayziah Pompey - supporting his peers in his usual, humble manner.

Maddison England - exceptional effort with her maths testing.

Pictured is Manaaki Rowe who won 'Manawatū Best Mullet' competition at the rural games which are held each year. The photography is done by Valleys studios and all entry fee money goes straight to Gumboot Friday. 

Image by: Kara Mason

Manaaki got his hair done by Kings Barbers in Bulls.  Manaaki chose to get stars cut in because he "loves being star of the day at school." He was in the largest category '7years and under' and won by the most votes. 

The prize was a Hunting and Fishing winter pack. Knowing his whānau, I'm sure that prize was well received!  Congratulation Manaaki - what a dude!

Image by: Kara Mason

Congratulations to our Junior members of Mātai Mauri Tū who visited Mill Street Kindergarten with Whaea Delanie on Friday.  The students performed some of the kapa haka items that they have been learning here at school and performed some items along with the kindy children.  They were great ambassadors for our kura.

Image by: Kara Mason

Sports Agility Day

In the last week of Term 1 Ayla, Sharn and Ms. Gray headed to Whanganui to take part in a Sports Ability programme run by Sport Whanganui. The morning consisted of several fun rotations such as the parachute, volleyball, sack races and target throwing. The Sports Agility programme was a great opportunity for students who sometimes miss out on sporting events to participate in a variety of different sports. The programme also provided the opportunity for students to support their peers. Ayla and Sharn were mixed with students from different Whanganui schools. Sharn participated in all activities and Ayla was a great RICHER support person. They both were fantastic RICHER role models and participants. A big thank you to Ms Morris for her organisation and giving us the opportunity to attend this awesome event. We all had a great time and can’t wait until the next Sports Agility Day.  

Image by: Kara Mason

Image by: Kara Mason
Image by: Kara Mason
Image by: Kara Mason