Kara Mason — Jun 27, 2023

Matariki will be officially celebrated across Aotearoa on Friday 14 July. We will have our own celebrations in Week 1 of next term - Monday 17 July to Friday 21 July.

On Sunday night our Year 8 students will be having a noho at school.  During this time they will be preparing a hāngi which we will share together on Monday morning.

You are invited to attend our Matariki Ceremony from 7am along with your children.  Bright and early while the stars are still present!

Followed by our ceremony we will be honouring Hiwa-i-te-rangi - with the releasing of our balloons attached with our hopes and goals for the year.

After this you will be invited to join us in the hall for kai - the hāngi prepared by our Year 8 students.  This part will happen from around 8am.

On Wednesday 19 July the Waka Leaders are hosting a Waka event - Ngā Taonga Tākaro, which will involve all students participating in games they have learned.  These games reinforce Māori kaupapa and use of equipment that are part of our traditional Māori tākaro.  

Finally on Friday 21 July, please join us at Memorial Hall for the annual South Rangitīkei Schools' Cultural Festival.  Our school is hosting this event.

Image by: Kara Mason