Hero photograph
Photo by Amanda-Jane Emery

Ukulele Festival

Room 8 Students —

Last week Room 8 represented the school at the annual Ukulele Festival. Here they share their experience with us. Thanks Whaea Amanda for supporting the students with their writing.

Before we went to the festival we practised and worked hard for many Tuesdays and extra days.

We enjoyed all the dancers.

We enjoyed looking at the costumes of everyone who attended.

It was fun having lunch with all the other schools.  

It was great to catch up with all our friends from other schools.

Ta Lou U'kulele was one of our favourite songs.

A huge 'thank-you' to the parents who attended and also provided transport.  

A huge 'thank-you' to the volunteer helps who supported the children to attend.  Also Mrs Jamieson who works with other staff to organise this day.  

We were very lucky at the end of the day we got our free ice-cream and a prize from McDonalds.  We saw our artistic soccer balls hanging up.  

Since the festival we have been learning 'Poi e'.

You are welcome to come and visit Room 8 to see us jam.