Hero photograph
Photo by Kara Mason

Celebrating our Students

Kara Mason —

Here are the most recent recipients of our values certificates.

Week 6

Room 6 Hailee Sorensen - For your positive attitude towards cross country training. You stay focussed on running at your own steady pace and improving your own fitness.

Ruby de Malmanche - For excellence in maths this week. You listened well, you practised hard and you took great care in setting your work out correctly.

Room 2 Elijah Groube - For making significant progress in your spelling and reading levels.

Ayla Sorenson - For making significant progress in your reading level.

Room 9 Van Fellingham - For settling back into our class routine and doing his best work.

Flynn Stembridge - For making great choices and settling into his work.

Room 4 Harley Mitchell - For showing leadership in our assembly preparation, organisation and presentation.

James Bell - For showing endeavour and being brave by volunteering to read his writing in our assembly.

Room 1 Noah Rees- For significant improvement in reading, math and spelling.

Te Tare Tupaea - For dedication to squash and sharing his sense of humour.

Kirsty Lofia-Sue - Endeavouring to show whanaungatanga in class.

Lincoln England - For finding the hidden messages in political advertising.

Lincoln England - For being a great judge of character.

Ruby Munro - For showing Manaakitanga to her teacher when he gets things wrong.

Room 7 Alicia Harrison – For working diligently and putting effort into your literacy and maths last week. I really enjoyed your writing about the future. Keep it up!

Jaxson Thomson-Nixon – Playing well with others during P.E. You tried your best during Golden child and were a supportive teammate. Well done!

Week 5

Room 6 Manaaki Rowe - To acknowledge the progress you have made in reading and writing. You have worked so hard, with the support of Ms Gray and your whānau, and should be proud of your achievement.

Haylo-Corey Ashford - To acknowledge your honesty and integrity. You try each day to be the best you can be, ka pai!

Room 7 Eliot Sommerville – For putting thought into your reading reflection answers. You fully answer the questions and connect to the story.

Ryan Wilkinson – For showing R.I.C.H.E.R core culture and patience in everything you do. Keep it up!!

Room 9 Caitlyn Bealey - Excellent progress and support of your peers in Maths.

Maddison England - Showing her R.I.C.H.E.R core value and being the best you can, each day.

Room 3: Noah Sorensen - For working hard towards self regulation. 

Eddie Van Dijk - For working positively towards school learning and new routines.

Room 2 Jackson Fosbender - For helping others in his class when they are unsure of what to do. Ka pai!

Akarsha Elder - For your positive attitude in class and for giving everything a go.

Room 4 Journey Katene Rakataire-Jetson - For demonstrating kindness and inclusion to our new student.

Ariana Quittenden - For being self motivated and striving to reach her literacy goals.

Room 8  Kate, Kelly and Kirsty  Lofia-Sue, for their Samoan dancing at the Ukulele Festival in Bulls.

Solialii Semisi, Randell Faletaogo, Perosi Junior Iosefa for their sasa performance at the Ukulele Festival. 

Week 4

Room 6 Eden Pewhairangi - For the confidence you show at writing time. You are determined to become an independent writer.

Luca Ayers - To acknowledge the progress you have made in reading. It is lovely to listen to you read aloud. You have developed a real ‘storyteller’ voice.

Room 4 Harley Mitchell - Effort in cross country training.

Shilo Baillie - Commitment to following instructions and doing the right thing.

Room 3 Ramona Fareti-Hosea - settling into school routines and creating friendships

Dane Frost-Saveaalii - For consistently working to the best of his ability.

Room 2 Azalea McLaughlin - For always starting the day with a happy face and a smile.

Jhai Te Whatu - For always pushing yourself to be the best you can be.

Room 8  Solialii Semisi and Randell Faletaogo for their written language achievements, writing about what they value and why, using the Writers Toolbox.

Room 9 Cyrus Edwards for always being a positive member of Room 9.

Allay Down for always demonstrating a Richer Core Culture in everything she does.

Room 7 Oliver Rees - For your perseverance and determination during our P.E lessons last week. Keep it up!

Zoe McDowell - For making a 50% jump in your number knowledge. Awesome progress!