Celebrating our students
Kara Mason - March 4, 2024
Congratulations to our first winners of our Gold Token draw, Georgia Bell, Ruby de Malmanche and Kelly Lofia Sue, pictured above with Ben Walkley who came in to entertain us with his pipe band drumming skills.
Room 1 Cooper Bowater - for always trying his very best with his assigned work.
Kahleisha Lowrie-Hetet - for always endeavouring to get on with the tasks that have been set.
Room 6 Savannah Quittenden - for your beautiful, clear speaking voice when auditioning for a part in the junior school production.
Cassius Maas-Apai - for your amazing maths work each week.
Room 7 Kaydee Hulme - for your confidence when singing waiata in our class
Oliver Rees - for the commitment you showed in P.E last week. You quickly learnt the volleyball skills and were an asset to your team.
Room 2 Eva Goddard - for being a helpful and trustworthy member of the class, who I am able to rely on to get things done.
Van Fellingham - for listening carefully to instructions, asking questions to help his learning and always willing to do better.
Room 9 Jacob Hodge - for consistently pushing through his new learning.
Eliot Sommerville - for consistently pushing through his new learning.
Room 5 Shailoh Ratana-Jones - for making amazing predictions in our Taniwha story.
Georgia Bell - for having a wonderful understanding of rhyming words.
Room 8 Reuben Andrews - for endeavouring to show excellence in his writing. He understands his writing goals and strives to achieve them.
Haylo Ashford - for endeavouring to show excellence in his writing. He listens to advice and makes changes to achieve his goals.
Room 1 Opie Anderson - for story writing skills. Opie writes stories that are full of imagination. He consistently tries to use a variety of sentence styles and he has a talent for injecting a bit of humour into his story telling.
McKayla Cox - for always getting on with the task at hand and producing work to the best of her ability.
Room 2 Perosi Iosefa - for focusing on his learning tasks and pushing himself to get the job done.
Ryan Wilkinson - for embracing new learning, asking questions and working hard in all areas of learning.
Room 6 Tauu-O-Terangi Harrison - to acknowledge your developing confidence in the swimming pool and your determination to improve your skills.
Dane Frost-Saveaalii - to acknowledge your developing confidence in the swimming pool and your determination to improve your skills.
Room 7 Ao Manea Elia - for your confidence when leading waiata in class and in Kapa Haka
Emily Bell - for your enthusiasm for learning. You share your ideas with your class and go the extra mile with your work.
Room 4 Ace Pompey Tepu - for his ability to complete his handwriting to a high standard and has improved with his backstroke and sculling when swimming.
Anahera Te Momo Smith - for her ability to complete her written language to a high standard and has improved with her backstroke and sculling.
Room 8 Ngaire-Rose Ratana - for endeavouring with her learning and doing it with a smile.
Eden Pewhairangi - for giving all of her learning her best attempt and only asking for help when she needs it. Well Done!
Room 5 Oliver Voyce - for having a great start to school and showing endeavour in the mornings.
Arthur Langkilde - for showing endeavour and being brave in the mornings by coming into the classroom by himself.
Room 9 Allay Down - for working diligently and being very successful with her testing results for Spelling Test.
Emily Kerslake - for working diligently and being very successful with her testing results for Spelling Test.
Room 8 Lydia Edwards - for endeavouring with her weaving and accepting help when it was needed.
Te Ao-Rain Ratana-Jones - Thank you for your patience when waiting to talk to me. You are considerate of the learning of others.
Room 6 Georgia Hulme - for your excellent writing. You took up the challenge of 3 different sentence types and achieved it.
Julian Pewhairangi - for excellence in mathematics knowing all the addition facts to 20 and achieving your first ‘Xtramaths’ certificate.
Room 4 Matene Pulemagafa - for great listening skills and being a role model when swimming,
Siobhan Lawson - for being a great role model when swimming and completes her classroom work to a high standard especially written language.
Room 5 Ella-Rose Mitchell - for showing kindness and aroha to our new friends.
Aaliyah Pompey-Tepu - showing endeavour in her learning by having great listening skills.
Room 7 Patience Rowe - for your performance skills and enthusiasm during our new inquiry unit. Your actions encouraged your classmates to be brave.
Nevaeh Katene Rakatairi-Jetson - for showing resolution when making your Poutama pattern. You solved your own problems and showed resilience
Room 4 Shilo Baillie - for outstanding work presentation and art ability.
Lachlan Boerboom - for proving to the teacher that he can float on his back with the assistance of a flutter board.
Room 5 Zafara Foley - making a fabulous start to school. Showing endeavour by being brave and trying new things.
Reiley Hunt - Welcome to James Cook School. Showing endeavour and being brave in the swimming pool.
Room 6 Tre-Legacy Tupaea - for reading so well with Whaea Amanda.
Aria Torrie - for your enthusiasm to share your ideas during class discussions.
Room 7 Brooklyn Richardson - It is great to see you perfecting and pushing your learning already. You are showing endeavour.
Elise Andrews - What a way to step-up into the Middle school. You value your learning and do your best.
Room 8 Harmony Thompson - Welcome to JCS! You have settled in well, made friends, and given all of your learning your top effort. Well done!
Vitana Elia - You always endeavour in all of your learning. I have yet to hear you say you can’t do something; you always try first. Well done!
Room 2 Tour Hin - for using his knowledge and his opportunities to complete his work well and embrace new learning.
Scarlett Wood - for always having such a positive and cheerful attitude to school life and for trying her hardest in all her work.
Congratulations to Syequille Jones with his trophy from the Manfield North Island Jamboree car show where he won 'Best Extreme Paint' for his car.