Kara Mason — Nov 21, 2023

Here are the students who have received certificates at our 'mahi tahi' assemblies over the past few weeks, acknowledging our values being put into action.

Week 4

Room 9

Legacy Katene Rakatairi-Jetson - Consistently demonstrating fortitude and completing his written tasks in a timely manner.

Rico Kata - Showing initiative and service, regularly within our classroom space and the wider school.

Emily Kerslake - For consistently demonstrating a high level of writing competence.

Room 2

Tour Hin - For showing an excellent attitude and focus on new learning in Maths.

Skye Talyor - For a fantastic piece of writing that was inspiring to us all.

Room 4

Ariana Quittenden- Fantastic progress in literacy.

Ariah Fotualii - Enthusiasm for learning and determination to reach her learning goals.

Room 1

Te Tare Tupaea - For the effort that he has put into his learning to help him with spelling and reading.

Nicalia Taueki-Katene - For the effort that she has put into her learning to help her with spelling and reading.

Room 8

Rueben Andrews - For his ability to complete the task set to a high standard and for his achievement in mathletics.

Jude Baillie - For completing the task quietly and constantly concentrates on the task to complete it. 

Room 5 

Welcome to school - Ella-Rose Mitchell and Shailoh Ratana-Jones

Room 6

Kiwa Tipu-Tuhou - Welcome to Room 6, we are so pleased to have you join our class. I can see you are already settling in and making friends.

Hunter Ahradsen- Welcome to Room 6, we are so pleased to have you join our class. I can see you are already settling in and making friends.

Room 3

Taylor Martin - For oral language - taking his time to speak clearly, and thinking about what he is going to say.

Tauu-O-Terangi Harrison - For being brave enough to have a go at independent writing.

Room 7

Brooklyn Richardson – For staying after school to help pack-up our classroom. Your help is appreciated.

Timo-Tai Tupaea – For staying after school to help pack-up our classroom. Your help is appreciated.

Nanami Burton – For staying after school to help pack-up our classroom. Your help is appreciated.

Week 5

Room 6

Emily Bell - You are becoming a wonderful writer. Every idea has a ‘plant a seed sentence’ followed by more sentences related to that idea.Tu meke!

Jordan Roberts - For working so hard this week to catch up on learning tasks you missed when you were absent.

Room 2

Dikota Ahradsen - Welcome to JCS and Room 2. You have settled in well and are a fabulous addition to our whanau.

Phillip MacDonald-Rice - For making excellent progress in your reading and spelling this year.

Kahurangi Aranui-Munro - Welcome to JCS and Room 2. You have settled in well and you are a welcome addition to our Kura.

Room 3

Naria Hetet-Kingi - For becoming so brave with taking risks and becoming confident with her story writing skills.

Tropex Faletaogo - For always looking out for others and being a fine leader for Room 3.

Room 4

Raffael Hyde - For being very close to knowing all of the Stage 1 letter sounds.

Lachlan Boerboom - For writing a sentence quickly, accurately and with confidence.

Patience Rowe - Amazing progress in mathematics.

James Bell - Amazing progress in mathematics.

Room 8

Payton Penn - For being a great role model in class and assisting her classmates.

Lakarnah Vole - For showing kindness towards her peers and teaching staff.

Room 7

Oliver Rees – For looking after our classroom environment by packing-up so well. Thank you!

Week 6

Room 6

Lexi Littlejohn - To acknowledge your hard work, both at home and school, to develop your reading skills. You are doing so well, Lexi!

Lilah Ngatoa-Spooner - Congratulations on becoming an independent writer. You have come so far in your learning this year!

Room 2

Toby Ayers - For always trying your best and for asking questions to move your learning on.

Jessica Groube - For making the effort to improve her swimming skills by listening and doing.

Room 8

Kingston Mitchell - for making great progress with his reading and learning to link his words when handwriting.

Kymani-Clare Fotualii - For being a great help in the classroom and taking care of the devices.

Room 7

Kaydee Hulme – For letting yourself learn by focussing on your work. Keep it up!

Zoe McDowell – For being a supportive friend and classmate by helping people with their work.

Room 5 

Welcome to school Caius. 

 Zoe Andrews - Excellent work in reading.

Room 3

Arlo De Malmanche -For trying so hard and persevering with writing.

Faaolataga Seigafo - For being so enthusiastic with doing homework. It has encouraged the whole class to do it too.

Week 7

Room 6

Michael Mattocks - To acknowledge the service you show to Room 6, and the help you give Mrs Allen, in organising the sports equipment for our cricket games.

Eli Goddard - To acknowledge the service you show to Room 6, and the help you give Mrs Allen, in organising the sports equipment for our cricket games.

Room 4

Rosa Iosefa - Being a great Kapa Haka leader in our prize giving rehearsals.

Room 5

Georgia, Zoe, Shiloh, Theo, Aaliyah, Ella-Rose, Ihaia - Thank you for an amazing assembly. You put so much effort and work into your learning to be able to share it with the school. You are great classmates to each other and future leaders for our school.
Lucas - You joined in on hosting our assembly and did a fantastic job. What an amazing first visit to school!

Room 8 

Vitana Elia - For being a great mathematician and knowing all of her times tables in year 4.

Kimiora Rowe - For listening so well in class and completing her work with pride. 

Congratulations to our Year 5 and 6 Touch Team who won the local competition!  Many thanks to Greg Katene for supporting and coaching both our Y5/6 and Y7/8 teams.