Hero photograph
Photo by Kara Mason

Celebrating our Students

Kara Mason —

Pictured above are the recent winners of our Gold Token draw, Ruby De Malmanche, Ollie Sommerville and Leap Rin. For 3 entire weeks they, along with 90 other students, have maintained Gold Standard behaviour.

Below are the names of students who received certificates at our Mahi Tahi assembly over the past few weeks. These certificates are for putting our school values into action.

Week 6

Room 6  Eden Pewhairangi - For your positive approach to your learning. Your mahi and endeavour are reflected in your progress.

Ben Sorensen - For being so focussed on your learning this week. You worked hard and succeeded in completing your mahi.

Room 1 McKayla Cox and Te Tare Tupaea - For being so excited that they can’t contain themselves when proving that they understand new learning in Math. They have both endeavoured to accomplish their learning.

Room 2 Scarlett Wood - opening your mind to the new learning of Fractions AND winning! You were so confident you took more home for homework. You have such an inspiring attitude to learning.

Tour Hin - for listening carefully to new learning in P.E. and demonstrating good skills in basketball.

Room 4 Chayce Barbarich - Celebrating Chayce’s first ‘Gold’ day.

Carter Wilkinson - Showing endeavour and perseverance in his writing.

Room 7 William Pomana-Parkes for showing enthusiasm during our “Devil Tower” reading research.

Carter Maniapoto-Barbarich for working hard on your new learning, especially in maths and reading.

Room 8 Opie Anderson-For being a great role model in our class and your wonderful achievements when using the Writer's Toolbox.

Waiohine Aranga Donaghy-For showing gold medal behaviour in class and always working hard to complete the task set.

Room 3 All children for behaving so well while Ms Zvagulis was away.

Room 9 Mercedees Lowrie - For always being a positive role model within our classroom environment and our school.

Sharn Johnson - For supporting her hockey team on Friday night as a spectator, even though she had been away sick throughout the week.

Week 5

Room 6 Mikayla Johnson - For consistently showing endeavour in your learning. You always do your best.

Jordan Roberts - For the hard work you put into achieving new learning in maths.

Room 4 Lister Fareti-Hosea - Endeavour and progress in literacy. 

Koven Quittenden - Being brave and participating in school activities independently.

Room 2 Phillip Macdonald-Rice - For working hard on his spelling, reading and writing and becoming a more independent learner and thinker.

Brooklyn Adams - For working hard on her spelling, reading and writing.

Room 7 Ryan Wilkinson - For always helping others and being a supportive classmate.

Timo-Tai Tupaea -  For your enthusiasm and energy you bring to P.E

Room 8 Soliali Semesi Tulemau for sharing his sporting talents with other children in the class and including them in his games.

Perosi Junior Iosefa for being a great sportsperson, playing fairly and encouraging others. 

Week 4

Room 2 Skye Taylor - for knowing when to ask for support for her learning and making good progress in maths.

Sefa Tupai - for always being happy to share his extraordinary knowledge with the class and always thinking of and supporting others.

Room 6 Cassidy Edwards - For the enthusiasm and energy you showed in P.E. with Mr Anwyll.

Luca Ayers - For the effort you show at writing time. You listen well, work hard and always strive to do the best you can.

Room 9 Allay Down - Always working diligently in all curricular areas.

Marcus Mitchell- always showing our RICHER Core Cultural with his peers.

Room 3  Tre-Legacy Tupaea and Amene Rakataire-Jetson - both awards for working so hard and showing the determination to achieve a gold award at the end of the week.

Room 8 Dustin Adams for improving with his work by completing his handwriting on time.

Kimiora Rowe for Looking, Listening and Learning in class. Follows instructions the first time.

Room 7 Nanami Burton - for working diligently and well with others.

Eliot Sommerville – for putting effort into your Writer’s toolbox tasks and stories.

Room 4 Rosa Iosefa for excellent progress in literacy. 

Akuira Rakatairi-Jetson for excellent progress in literacy.

Here are our Gold Token Draw winners from Week 3 - who also maintained Gold Standard behaviour every day!

Ngaire-Rose Ratana, Aynjel Rogers and Emily Bell.

Image by: Kara Mason
Image by: Kara Mason
Image by: Kara Mason