Kara Mason — Aug 17, 2023

As we head into the last half of the term we update you on some of the 'happenings' around our kura.

Our 'Oranga Tonutanga' initiative is underway - so far we have our team breakfast up and running 3 days a week.  Mrs Knight is cooking some amazing breakfast food!!  At 9am, 3 days per week, the whole 'Kauri' team meet for a sit-down breakfast.  This is the perfect opportunity to connect with a friend or any number of the adults present.  The opportunity gives us a chance to find out new things about each other, to check-in, share successes, what's on top etc.  As well as that we are learning appropriate manners and practices when eating a meal together.

A small group of students have also started playing squash with Mr Bell.  This happens before school, so not only are the students learning a new sport but are also learning about organisation, commitment, being on time, considering others and self-management.

Here is some student feedback; “I like learning about Squash. It’s a new sport for me, I usually play rugby and league. It’s fun and it energises me for the day. “ Year 6

“I love squash because I get to learn new skills and it’s worth the time. I enjoy different challenges during the squash sessions and it is interesting.”Year 7

“It’s fun and good that you can do something in the morning and still be competitive. I am getting fit and having fun at the same time.” Year 8

“I love spending time with friends from other classes. The food is really good.” Year 6

“I am ready to learn at 9:30. I have a full tummy and can get straight into the mahi.” Year 7

“I have learnt more about other people when they sit next to me. I am learning all about who they are.” Year 7

“I’ve been learning about manners and how people eat when they are together. I enjoy coming to school and having a relaxed, social time. It’s not stressful and makes going to class easy.” Year 8

We are in the planning stages of the next property project which is an upgrade/modernisation of the classrooms.  This project is funded by the Ministry of Education.  It will include new carpet, autex (wall covering) and acoustic ceiling tiles, and interior painting of the classrooms.  This will improve the look and feel of our rooms and bring them up to a more modern standard.  

We are also in the planning stages of painting the exterior of the school.  This is paid for by funds that have been saved over a number of years.  

Over the summer we will be getting a new pellet boiler system installed to replace the coal burner.  This is part of the government's plan to cease the burning of coal.  Our system will be state of the art and provide an effective and efficient heating system for our winter months.

Year 6 - Our Year 6 students are looking to get involved in work going on at our community garden.  In term 1 Mr Bell worked with the Year 6's doing technical drawing.  These students were then involved in restoring the form-seating outside our classrooms, sanding and painting them.  They did a great job!

Fiona Moorhouse from the Community Gardens in Marton will be up there to help out in the gardens. There will be someone there to guide our work, which would involve weeding, growing, nurturing, and managing planting and plants. Fiona talked about students bringing seedlings back to school to nurture and once they have grown to return them to the ground in the community garden. These skills can be transferable back into our own gardens which would benefit our school and community.