Kara Mason — Jul 30, 2023

We are very grateful for the incredible support that we are receiving from our official 'Friends of JCS' and all our parents who have been helping out with some of our bigger events. It never ceases to amaze me how lucky we are to have whānau who are willing to give up their time to support our events.

Our Friends of James Cook provided kai and a raffle at the Kapa Haka and Cultural Festival at Memorial Hall.  We take this opportunity to thank Rochelle Ashford, Kelly Marsh and family, Jodie Penn, Hannah Tuhou, Louise Andrews and Jane Murray for their work on that day and also on Saturday morning.  Jane also generously donated towards the raffles.

Thanks to Mrs Knight for making the sandwiches and to Wendy Kerslake for making the cupcakes.  The team raised $1620.  

Particular thanks to Rochelle who has put in significant time and thought into the organisation behind the scenes, as well as on the day.  Her work ethic and attention to detail is to be admired.  All in all, it is wonderful to see such dedication to our school.

Thank you to Whaea Delanie's brother Jamaine Butler who provided the wood and helped us get the hāngi into the ground.  Thank you to Paul Pompey who gave us the use of his hāngi stones.  

We thank Gus Kapene, Hamuera Rauhihi-Kapene, Kelly Kumeroa, Sam and Kelly Tamihana, Manaaki Rakatairi-Jetson, Jeqwaan Rakatairi-Jetson and Greg Katene who prepared the hāngi pit, hāngi fire and helped with lifting the hāngi.

Image by: Kara Mason

I also want to thank parents of the school Aku Pirere and Megan Innes who stayed with us all night overnight on the Sunday before school started to get our hāngi fire going, get the hāngi into the ground, in wet and cold conditions, as well as pack our hāngi packs.  Your support was over and above and greatly appreciated!

Thanks also to parents Chantelle Lowrie, Shannon Hetet and Diana Jones who helped us out with the vegetable prep.

Thanks to Annie and Zoe McDowell for the lovely chocolate cakes that you made for our supper.  

Megan preparing hāngi packs — Image by: Kara Mason

We also thank Matua Te Arawa for again supporting our kura at the South Rangitīkei Kapa Haka and Cultural Festival, both during the powhiri and being our MC along with Whaea Coral Raukawa.  

Thank you to Ammiel Williams and Makavelli Williams-Butler who brought their muscles and helped us with the heavy lifting and setting up the hall chairs.  Thanks to Steven Karehana who helped with the heavy lifting during the pack up.

Thanks to Mitre 10 for the plant hireage.

Many, many thanks!  It has been a pleasure being involved with you all and making great connections for our school.